ez PurEssence Bi-Monthly Kit
Regular price $109.95 Sale price $99.95 Save $10.00PurEssence is a simple to use, low maintenance and completely natural water care system that will allow hot tub owners to indulge and ultimately experience naturally cleaner, clearer and safer water. With PurEssence your hot tub equipment will be protected from mineral and biofilm build-up, while organic contaminants, phosphates and metals will be reduced. Save time, effort and money with this easy to follow hot tub water care system.
PURE is a powerful non-acidic, phosphate free formula designed to keep water pure and free from mineral deposits and scale protecting hot tub surfaces and equipment.
ESSENCE is a powerful, multi-blend of enzymes, phosphate removers, natural clarifiers, pH and alkalinity buffers fused together in one unique formulation. This formula is the essence of the system reducing organic contaminants such as oils, greases,cosmetics and hair products. It also helps balance the water, works as a continuous cartridge filter cleaner, reduces waterline rings, removes phosphates, prevents biofilm build-up, clarifies and naturally softens the water.
PURESSENCE Oxygen pods
Active oxygen, non-chlorine oxidizer eliminates odours and contaminants . Pre-measured, water soluble, quick dissolve packaging. Compatible with chlorine or bromine.